Located in the Moreno Valley within the Enchanted Circle, on Cerro Verde just west of Highway 64 between Eagle Nest and Angel Fire also called B-6, enter 62 Cerro Verde Eagle Nest 87718 on your GPS. You'll see our Pet Pal sign on the corner of highway 64 and Cerro Verde next to an Angel Fire billboard facing Eagle Nest. Not far up the road, the building is a pink-ish stucco with a silver metal roof. DO NOT use google maps, they will send you to the Lake area. We are a 15 minute drive to Eagle Nest and Angel Fire - right in the middle.
Easy to find - 3.3 miles North of the blinking light at hwy 434 & 64.
We have large suites/rooms, a 3,000 sq ft state of the art kennel with dog furniture, people furniture they are allowed to curl up in, and an acre of grass and trees to run in with a maximum of 6 dogs. Your dogs can play, socialize and relax, digging in the dirt and rolling in the grass is encouraged.
The one acre yard has never been sprayed. Juniper and Ponderosa trees, wild Chamomile are all enjoyed by the bigger dogs all day long, the dog doors let them choose when they would like to go inside or out
We have never had fleas, it may be too cold.
Please bring your dogs' food with their names and eating routine written on a piece of paper or on the container itself. Please read them over and make sure they're easily understood. A refrigerator is here for food if necessary. We provide stainless steel bowls for your dogs and beds but if you'd like to bring your dog's own bed, that's fine. You can also park crates here along with your motor home or boat and extra vehicles for no extra charge. No charge for administering medicine but pills must be wrapped in food such as chilled peanut butter, meat, cheese, pill pockets, etc. and kept in a marked bag. If not, a handling charge of $10.00 a day will be added - we would like to avoid any and all contact with medications.
We have also never had a case of Bordatella here in the 26 years we've been open. All shots if you so choose to give them to your dog must be done at LEAST 2 weeks before their reservation. Some dogs get very violent adverse reactions from the kennel cough/bordatella vaccine.
Please bring your dog's food and any instructions but leave your bowls at home, All bowls are washed daily and yours may get mixed up with ours, be drying in the kitchen or in their rooms when you come to pick them up. Try to bring ONLY the things needed for their stay. If your dog has a hot spot you MUST bring a cone for thunder and lightning nights. Unfortunately, I am unable to sleep with your furry friend. If not, a $50 charge will be added.
If you have a special dog who can open all doors please don't even consider bringing them here. You can imagine the problems this sort of skill level can create. We are not equipped for that behavior. This ability also goes hand in hand with clearing counters off with their paws. And I don't mean with a cloth. If one is admitted without telling us about it, a charge of $50.00 per day will be added.
4 Wheel Drive is a MUST in the winter
Price is $40 per day per dog
bring your own dog food - it's cheaper!
An extra $2.00 per day added for our dog food
includes tax
~Total is due at check in~
No last minute changes in schedules
If unavoidable, such as flight delays, changes must be texted
~no refunds~
Also very much appreciated is time of arrival
Sometimes texts & calls don't come through - I may be away from the lobby and it will take time to get to the door. So for your convenience, please set a time to pick up by 10:00
We do NOT take bully breeds, Pit Bulls or Pit Crosses, Staffordshire Terriers or crosses of these breeds.
* Please respect our hours of business
We start work at 6:00 AM and 10 hours of hard work is all we can manage. Please don't ask us to stay later for you because the answer will be sorry, but no.
No charge for pick up day by 10:00 AM
Since 1998 our hours have been 9:00 AM to 4:00 PM
7 days a week and open all holidays
They work for us so please figure out how to make them work for you
Reservations only, no drop-ins
Please call 575-224-4277
and leave a message or text
Thank You
What's the best way to keep your dogs from barking in the front yard?
Put them in the back yard or better yet, take them to Pet Pals
Why did the cowboy get a Dachshund?
He wanted to get a long little doggie
What did the Dalmatian say after dinner?
That hit the spot
Where do dogs park their cars?
In the barking lot
I have a pet termite, he wears an adorable little cowboy hat
I call him Clint Eats Wood
The scariest plant in the jungle?
How do you identify a dogwood tree?
By its bark
In 1998 when we had our grand opening July 4th, we also operated as a shelter for the next 7 years. Besides the county shelter in Raton, I believe we were the only other one in Colfax County. Hundreds of lost and abandoned dogs were kept safe until owners were found and wounds treated. As you can imagine, it was a costly enterprise but we did it gladly. Some women in Angel Fire helped by holding auctions and donated their earnings to us and also helped by driving some to shelters in Colorado. We were grateful to be of service to the community and the lovely dogs we cared for but finally funds ran short and we decided to run the business as it was originally intended. A business. We learned a lot from our years of experience from rescuing hundreds of dogs and look back on it as a blessing. Thanks to everyone who supported us and all the neglected dogs all those years. There were many, you know who you are.
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